Indian Chemical & Minerals is a well established South based manufacturer of mineral based fillers and chemicals mainly applied in the field of plastics, paint, rubber, paper, pharmaceuticals, feed & fodder industries cosmetics and various other industries. At ICM only the finest products are processed for its demanding domestic and global customers
Mr. Mahesh K. Sharma a Science graduate laid the foundation of Indian Chemical & Minerals in 1985. Since then with his hard work and acute knolewdge of proper utilization of quality resources has abled to clinched a set of loyal and satisfied clients.
At ICM quality is a way of life. Quality is not a relative factor for us as we have helped in establishing the standards of this industry. We vigilantly follow internationally recognized standards and specifications. According to the ICM “We, at Indian Chemical & Minerals, can and expect to meet any stringent quality requirement...we believe that for our esteemed customers, only the best will do.”
It is the firm belief that its quality system along with its commitment towards continual improvement in products and processes will stand Indian Chemical & Minerals in good stead with regard to cost-efficient procedures.
By prioritizing these objectives the Company expects to benefit its customers and achieve a leading position in the markets served by ICM.